Top 5 Blogging Mistakes That Could Kill Your Blog Silently [Detailed Study]
Do you have any idea, which of your blogging mistakes are silently killing your blog?
Or let’s say it in an easy way; do you know which things are the main reasons for the declination of your blog’s growth / reputation / traffic?
Thousands of blogs gets created everyday all around the globe, and about 80% – 90% of blogs gets killed by its owner, because in fact everybody makes some common yet serious mistakes at the beginning of their blogging career.
Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Let’s discuss about the top blogging mistakes by beginners which are responsible for the decrease of their blog’s growth and how to correct them.
1: Posting Useless Content
Posting useless (too short [200-300 words only], uninformative, self promotional, boring, Non-engaging content or posting just for the sake of bots, the content which is of no use to your readers) on your blog can harm your blog’s health.Or being a copy paste blogger i.e. copy pasting the content from all over the web to your blog always have a negative impact on your blog, resulting in the lower ranking of your blog in the search engines, decrease in your and your blog’s reputation in the eyes of other bloggers etc.
Real life experience of one of my blogging friends explaining the effects of useless contents on your blog -
When I was totally newbie in blogging about 2 years back with no or very less knowledge about blogging, I started a blog on computer tricks to help other bloggers. I posted about 70+ unique informative articles, but because of running out of blog post ideas I started copy pasting other blog’s articles and posting on my blog (About 25+ articles) which ruined my previous hard work and that blog too.Correct the mistake -
Better late than never. You can easily correct this mistake, just follow these simple steps -
- If you have low quality articles published on your blog, simply delete them or try to rewrite them in a very new manner enhancing the article’s qualities.
- Always try to write unique, interesting & quality articles briefly explained with full of informative content for your blog readers & visitors which will make them subscribe to your blog for more information.
- It is always better to ask your readers what type of content they love to read, and then writing on that topic. This will increase the engagement of your readers and it will also give you lots of blog post ideas.
- Do not copy paste content from other blog or website on your blog. As doing that will not going to benefit you but it will only decrease the value of your blog.
- Try to post a bit of long informative articles. Ranging word limit from 800-1000+ words which will make it more engaging for your blog readers.
- Always try to break down large posts into smaller headings, sub headings, bullets and numbers lists. So that it becomes easy to read and understand. Check these tips to improve your Blog or Website’s Readability
- Check the forums and other blogs (especially the comment section) of same niche to find out what other people want. Doing so will give you lots of unique blog post ideas to come out with.
2: Infrequently posting
Having no frequency in posting content on your blog can also be the one of blogging mistakes. Set up a frequency in posting content on your blog, as it can help in building up the traffic on your blog.- Posting 1-2 article per day: Posting 1-2 article daily will boost your blog’s traffic by 200% – 300% and is mostly recommended to newbie bloggers for building up their blog’s traffic in its initial days.
- Posting 4-5 articles per week: Posting 4-5 articles per week is be considered good & will help in boosting blog’s traffic by little amount.
- Posting 1-2 articles per week: Posting 1-2 articles per week is considered decent and mostly preferred only for the blogs which has been established for a long time.

3: No Social Media Exposure
No matter, how unique or worthy articles you post on your blog. Still you need social media exposure from facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.The biggest mistake a blogger can commit is no social media exposure to his blog. Most of newbie bloggers do this mistake as they don’t know that social media exposure can help in boosting their blog’s growth tremendously.
Social media can help you to drive tons of traffic to your blog in early days of your blogging career. Social media plays a vital role in increasing the blog’s traffic. So try to create a strong network on social media i.e Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon etc. and get lots of traffic to your blog.
You can join several Facebook groups and Google+ communities to get social media exposure to your blog.
4: Poor Design
Does my blog’s design really matter?Yes! Your blog design matters more than you think. Having a bad design makes visitors hate your blog badly. If blog visitors don’t like your its design, they will never come back again to your blog which will tend to decrease in your blog’s traffic and hence your blog’s growth.
What does having a bad design means?
A bad design can be defined as not having a decent theme or template, having too much clutter on your blog, having too many advertisements (Specially pop up ads), using irritating colors, using irrelevant graphics and contents etc.
Solution -
You can improve your blog design easily:
- Choose a good, clean and professional looking theme / template and apply it on your blog. Try Genesis Themes (for WordPress blog)
- Remove access of advertisements from your blog.
- Use Proper headings, Sub headings, Bullets, Numbered list wherever necessary.
- Don’t use eye distracting colors or some funky fonts. Make it simple and sweet.
5: Depending on Freebies
Totally depending on freebies can be dangerous mistake that you will ever commit. Mostly newbie bloggers make this type of mistakes as they want everything for free. Thus, they totally depend upon the freebies available all around the internet.Freebies won’t need any kind of investments but they are not going to help you in blogging. You must invest in blogging for much better and quick results.
Suppose a group of bloggers ‘A’ use to create their blog because it is not going to charge them a penny but on other side a group of bloggers ‘B’ invests on hosting and domain and create their WordPress blog.
Now you tell, which group of bloggers have more chances of getting popular and successful? YES! Bloggers from group ‘B’ will be more successful because they invested in something which is necessary for their blog. They are using WordPress rather than a free blogspot blog. If you are a newbie and wants to start your own professional WordPress blog then grab our Free WordPress Installation Service today!
Same works for everything around the web. You must invest in your blog for a better result.
Now you know the mistakes which are killing your blog.These simple mistakes causes blogging failure. Don’t ignore them! Avoid these mistakes and increase your blog’s growth and reputation. But if you fail don’t lose hope, stay focused. Just try, try and try until you succeed.
Happy blogging