Age of Empires III
Age of Empire III is an real-time strategy game developed for Window and Mac by Ensemble studios.Age of Empires III is the third game in the popular Age of Empires series. The game lets players to control one of eight developing, warring nations. Players can choose from the Spanish, British, Portuguese, German, Russian, French, Dutch, or Ottoman nations. Each nations comes with its own unique strengths, weaknesses, buildings, and playable characters. For example, in a British settlement, manors are built instead of houses. This seemingly inconsequential detail actually costs the player 50% more than building a house with another nation. Variety between nations encourages multiple strategies and fresh experiences.
The AI in Age of Empires III groundbreaking for its time, and require a great deal of strategic thinking to beat. Enemy armies are responsive and smart. On the downside, it’s difficult to redirect engaged soldiers away from battle. The game also supports a rewarding online multiplayer mode. In either mode, gameplay is beautiful with vibrant scenery and effects.
Though Age of Empires III has a lot in common with its predecessor, Age of Empires II, the introduction of the “Home Cities” is a novel idea that is both fun and rewarding. Unlike other structures and settlements in the game, Home Cities cannot be attacked. The Home City does, however, benefit from experience gained in battles. In function, each Home City a player creates can be used to support one settlement, meaning that you can ship goods from the Home City to that settlement—though it will cost you experience points. Experience points racked up in battle also allow the Home Cities to level up, making them more powerful and versatile tools in battle.
Age of Empires III is a strong sequel and a worthwhile experience for all RTS fans.