Dead Island Full Version Free Download PC Game

Dead Island Full Version Free 

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Dead Island is a role-playing open world game developed by Techland and published by Deep Silver. Released for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, this adventure is focused on survival in a zombie-infested paradisiacal island. Once you download Dead Island, you will become Sam B, Xian Mei, Purna or Logan Carter (each one has his or her own special abilities). Everything is all fun and partying...that is until people start eating other people. At first, our character is so drunk he or she does not notice anything and goes to sleep to his or her hotel room. However, the next morning you will notice that something is happening in your hotel since havoc is everywhere, with electrical problems, elevators that do not work, and people dropping off the balcony, etc.
A voice will guide you on your first steps to leave the hotel, and you will find a group of survivors that tell you everything is caused by an unknown virus that turns people into hungry zombies. You are immune, and your objective now is surviving as long as you can to manage to escape the island alive. Nevertheless, until you escape, you must help the people of Banoi (the island) and find supplies, weapons, or other items that you will be asked.
Everything is partying and fun until people starts eating other people
Graphically speaking, the game is marvellous. You will find yourself watching the detailed reflection in the sea beach, or the beautiful jungle environments (just don't watch them too long unless you want to be slaughtered by a zombie). In regards to the music, it has one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to in a videogame. Developers have even composed a song for the intro named "Who Do You Voodoo" which is supposedly sung by Sam B. You can even destroy zombies to the beat of the music.

You can customize your weapons and create powerful kill-machines
You can customize your weapons and create powerful kill-machines

Gameplay and zombies

More than a first-person shooter; this adventure is centered in melée attacks. Indeed, you will only use ranged attacks to some special zombies or evil inhabitants of Banoi. As an open world gameplay style, you will have lots of side missions to play to get more experience points, items, weapons or simply, if you get bored of the main campaign. One of the strongest points of Dead Island is the customization of the weapons. You can start from a simple machete and finish with a powerful electrical machete surrounded by barbed wire that can defeat a zombie with just a single hit. Nevertheless, you need the blueprints to be able to customize a weapon and completing side missions is a good option to get them.
The Stamina bar is what will make your gameplay a bit complicated. As a regular person, your character will get tired if he or she performs physical actions such as running, jumping or using heavy arms. If you stand still, or simply walk, the bar will be automatically filling. When it completely depletes, you cannot do anything, so it's better if you carefully plan your movements.
As an RPG, you can upgrade your character by getting XP. You will have three skill trees in which you can spend your XP: Fury, Survival and Combat. Fury will level up the Fury Mode in which you can enter and provoke more damage for a limited amount of time. Survival will upgrade your resistance, and Combat upgrades the damage you cause, etc.

Ram zombies are the ones in straightjackets
Ram zombies are the ones in straightjackets

Throughout your adventure in Dead Island, you will find different kinds of zombies. The regular ones are 
the Walkers, slow zombies that are not a great threat unless you find them in a huge horde. The second least-dangerous zombie is the Thug. They are big zombies that cause a great damage since they can throw you some meters with just a punch. Then, you will find the Ram, a huge zombie in a straightjacket whose only weak point is in the back and once he spots you, he will run to you to try and stop you dead.
Up to this point, the zombies are more or less easy to avoid, but then, the Infectedappear. They are like regular zombies, but they run. The following most dangerous are the Suiciders. They are deformed zombies that explode when you are closed to them, what will cause you an almost certain death. Floaters are undead who have been too long in the water, so they are swollen, and they can throw a corrosive slime that will hurt you and blind you. Finally, you will encounter the Butchers. They are fast, agile, and they have sharp bones instead of arms.

Lots of Walkers can be a problem for you
Lots of Walkers can be a problem for you

Dead Island Full Version Features

The outstanding features of Dead Island are listed below:
  • Amazing HD graphics that provide a detailed environment
  • Great music will accompany your throughout the adventure
  • Different kinds of zombies to offer a more varied gameplay
  • You are free to choose from amongst four characters with different abilities
  • You can customize your weapons to make the more deadly
  • Huge open world composed by different places of Banoi Island
If you are interested in Dead Island and you want more information before you download it, feel free to visit the developer’s official website .

System Requirements

The minimum requirements needed to download this game to your PC are the following:
  • Operating System: Windows XP or later versions
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 2.66 GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 245
  • RAM Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 2600 XT, NVidia GeForce 8600 GT or better
  • Compatible with DirectX 9
  • Hard Drive Space: 2 GB free

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