Maalik Pakistani movie 720p

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Story line:Maalik is written by Ashir Azeem and spreads over a quarter of a century across two countries.

Maalik is about ownership. The Tag line of the film is a quote by Lily Tomlin "I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then i realized I am somebody." Maalik invites the viewer to take responsibility for their own life and the lives of their loved ones.

The story of Maalik has four principal tracks. An Afghan family that escapes from the ravages of the Soviet war in Afghanistan and settles in Karachi. A SSG officer who undergoes a personal tragedy and starts a private security company (Black Ops Pvt. Ltd) in Karachi. His SSG colleagues keep joining the company on their retirements. An idealist school master who suffers greatly under a cruel Feudal lord and settles in Karachi and finally the Feudal Lord who becomes the Chief Minister of Sindh and unleashes a reign of terror on all that cross his path.

Maalik is a story of love, loyalty, honor, family value, idealism, courage and dignity against all odds, and across all sections of society from the poor and the struggling to the highest levels of wealth and power. Maalik will make you laugh and cry, angry and sensitive, but above all it is the story of every Pakistani that would not be forgotten

Starring: Ashir Azeem Farhan Ally Agha Sajid Hassan Hassan Niazi Adnan Shah Tipu Bushra Ashir Azeem Ehteshamuddin Rashid Farooqi Lubna Aslam Mariam Ansari Tatmain ul Qalb Erum Azam Pakiza Khan
Genre: Action Thriller, Drama
Directed By: Ashir Azeem
Release Date: April 8, 2016
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