What's new in Windows 8.1?
1.Start faster
The Start button has returned to the taskbar—tap or click to get to Start. If you prefer, you can now go straight to the desktop when you sign in. And use the same background for both your desktop and Start. Plus, see all your apps at a glance in the new all-apps view.
2.Search everywhere
With Bing Smart Search you can search once and see everything—from the web, or the settings, files, and apps on your PC—and act on search results right away. Play a song, call a friend, open an app, or get to your favorite site. Just search and do.
3.Multitask with apps
Chat while gaming, shop while watching, or work while listening. Whether you’re on a PC or a tablet, you can always multitask. Depending on screen size, you can see up to four apps at once and you can switch between them easily.
3.Get more apps
In the redesigned Windows Store, you'll discover apps built only for Windows 8.1, new community favorites, and personalized recommendations. This update also gives you some great new built-in apps like Reading List and Health & Fitness. And now you'll be able to install your apps on all your tablets and PCs running Windows 8.1.
4.Use it your way
On your Start screen, there are more tile sizes, more color options, and animated backgrounds. On your lock screen, you can see a slide show of your favorite photos, and answer Skype calls, and take photos—all without unlocking your PC.
4.Power down fast
You'll now see a power button on the upper-right corner of your Start screen so you can more quickly and easily shut down (some types of PCs don't have this power button). You'll also see a search button on the Start screen, next to the power button.
5.Always have your files
Save documents, photos, and other files to OneDrive automatically so you'll have them anywhere—even on another device. And they'll be safe if something happens to your PC.
6.Browse better
Internet Explorer 11 has faster load times, a full-screen experience that includes side-by-side browsing of sites, and real-time info from favorite sites delivered to your Start screen.
The familiar made better
The desktop you're used to—with its familiar folders and icons—is still here. And not just still here, it's actually better than before, with a new task manager and streamlined file management. And you can always get to your desktop—and back to your Start screen again—with a tap or click.
Use them the way you always have. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other programs you count on work the way you're used to. Use a mouse and keyboard and organize your stuff in folders on the desktop.
Windows Defender and Windows SmartScreen can help guard your PC against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software in real time. Family Safety gives your kids some independence while still keeping tabs on them.
9.Mouse and keyboard
You can use a mouse and keyboard to work on your Windows desktop the way you always have. And things you do with touch, like using apps from the Windows Store and getting around on your Start screen, can also be done with a mouse and keyboard.
10.One view of everything
When you're working on the familiar desktop, all apps you've opened will appear in your taskbar at the bottom of the screen. This includes both apps you opened from the desktop and apps from the Windows Store you opened from your Start screen.